What kind of airsoft case should I use?
Airsoft replicas and the accessories you use with them such as scopes, magazines, clothing, and personal protection, are valuable products that require good care in order to get the best from them.
The worst thing you can do is simply place your replica on a high-up shelf in the garage or store other airsoft items in a cardboard box under the bed – take care of your equipment and it will take care of you. That’s where Plano comes in. For more than 70 years, Plano’s passion has been helping outdoor enthusiasts make sure they can pursue their own. A plastic moulding expert, Plano has a wide range of cases, boxes, bags and more designed for a wide range of purposes to help you stay organised, protect your gear, and allow you to spend less time worrying about things and more time enjoying airsoft, Plano understands your passion as well as you do. Whatever your home circumstances at home, there is a Plano case to match your needs including hard cases specifically designed for different types of airsoft replica, different sized secure trunks for bulk storage or even the largest items, accessory bags including some that can even be wrapped around the outside of hard cases to further increase storage options and transportability, and cases with customisable inners to help you lay them out exactly how you like. The best thing to do is correctly assess your storage needs and then browse the Plano range with a flexible mindset – the collection is filled with smart storage solutions that are durable, easy to transport, and most importantly of all, extremely secure.